IzyCloud Email Components
Every email system consists of the following parts:
Reception Service
This is typically a SMTP server accepting incoming emails. In the IzyCloud architecture SMTP is an optional component: Emails can be 'recieved' and generated also via APIs, IzyCloud apps (webforms, mobile apps, etc.) and thirdparty actions such as HTTP hooks.
Also notice that the concept of 'mailboxes' are not really important in the reception service layer because mailboxes are merely a data partitioning scheme related to the storage service (see storage service below). They simply customize the sending and browsing features of the system. For example, the typical email clients (Gmail/Outlook/Thunderbird) provide the mailbox address as a mechanism to partition and access only a subset of the emails on any domain but this is an arbitrary choice.
You can attach as many email reception services to your domain (SMTP, Web Hooks, Machine Learning Output) as you would like. The end result is that the email clients will interpret these as emails sent to your domain.
See SMTP in the IzyCloud for more information.
Sender Service
Send service will send data FROM an IzyCloud domain TO a non IzyCloud domain via SMTP. Most standard email clients (Gmail, Outlook, etc.) support this protocol that allows attachements, etc to be mime-encoded into a message and sent over the wire.
You can have the sender service enabled on your domain. The IzyCloud sender service is essentially a SMTP service with an additional proxy in the middle that captures the payloads in the storage service.
Note that the sender service is an optional component. i.e. If you plan on using the service only for notifications then the sender will not be neccessary.
Storage Service
IzyCloud provides a generic storage service where all customer interactions (emails, browsing history, CRM records) are standardized and stored. The storage service can be attached to other services in the system to make the data useful for a specific usecase.
If you prefer not to further process the information, you can forward the data to other providers such as Gmail.
Browse, Indexing and Machine Learning Services
This will allow you browse the data and search for pattern and train the machine learning models. The configuration for this section will be dependent on your business requirements and the employee and end-users preference: for example if your users prefer to use Gmail or Outlook or Thunderbird, you can attach one of the following:
- POP3: open source package available at izy-pop3.
- IMAP: You can also use open source tools like imap for S3.
If you would like to setup an automatic assistant and responder, you can attach the storage service to the machine learning module to drive the auto responder.
Data Encryption
For extra security, you can enable data encryption in the storage layer. The email clients will require additional authentication and multi factor systems to be turned on before access can be granted.
Selective Masking
An alternative to encryption for data proctection is selective masking: In this scenario you can have the IMAP or POP3 services deliver only selected email data or selected portions of the emails as uncrypted while encrypting the rest of the email message that can only be viewed inside the IzyCloud dashboard. This is useful for example when you would like to use GMail or Ourlook as the email client to send and respond to message but you do not like to have the message data and payloads accessed by Gmail and Outlook or anythird parties.
Example Implementations
send from and recieve on domain.com, no encryption and AI, accessible from phone and Gmail
- Izy Sender Service Proxy: This will allow the pipeline to send messages to foreign domains
* it will listen on smtp.izyware.com (ports 25, 465 SSL, 587 TLS)
* will record the messages in storage and then forward to the IzyWare SMTP service hosted on AWS
* you will configure your email clients (Gmail, Phone) to send via this config
- IzyReciever configured either in the legacy mode (sendmail + perl database hook) or using SES to S3 mode.
- izy-pop3 service or IMAP
NOTE: If you prefer not to use Gmail, you can try open source webmail clients
Receive and consolidate on 10 domains, respond from 1 account. All inside Gmail
- IzyReciever configured either in the legacy mode (sendmail + perl database hook) or using SES to S3 mode.
- izy-pop3 service or IMAP configured with aliased credentials (i.e. alldomains.myizywarecustomerid@izyware.com)
- configre gmail to read from the izy-pop3 server
notice that you wont need to setup sender service to this scenario.
Note on legacy customers
we recommend that you upgrade to the newer version for the following reasons:
- no need to use sendmail + perl database hook to generate the payloads
- no need to restart for new domains
The only draw back is that you will need to manualy add new inboxes as autoscaling on inbox wont be available.
Email Clients
You can use the standard Universal Messaging tool as a webbased email client. However there are two drawbacks to the tool:
- It is only available for enterprise accounts
- It is designed for mass communication and may be a bit challenging for users that used to legacy email clients.
You can always use a traditional email client app to access the pipeline, some examples are:
AWS workmail: https://aws.amazon.com/workmail/
SMTP in the IzyCloud: https://izyware.com/blog/article/configuring-an-email-reception-service-as-smtp-in-the-izycloud-grid
webmail clients: https://opensource.com/alternatives/gmail
izy-pop3: https://github.com/izyware/izy-pop3
imap for S3: https://github.com/seelang2/ses-imap/blob/master/ses-imap.js
use with gmail client: http://www.daniloaz.com/en/use-gmail-with-your-own-domain-for-free-thanks-to-amazon-ses-lambda/