Mood Analyzer
Understand emotions and communication style in mime data.
Combines sentiment analysis, text mining and machine learning detect and monitor customer service and support conversations to personalize your customer communications at scale.
Track employee communications to see if they are satisfied or frustrate.
Detect the intention of a customer when you receive communication and update call center scripts accordingly.
Supported Languages: German and English
Mood Analyzer
prioritise tasks, organise projects and keep your team on the same page. With task lists, milestones, schedules and the ability to track time, you'll be on top of your project management in no time. There's even a CRM feature that allows you to keep tabs on contacts and leads, so it offers way more than the usual
There are times when an email meant to be for support was sent to you or you would need to take an email conversation and create a support ticket out of it to handle your customes concern more efficiently and also collaborate with support team members. Zendesk integration let you do this seamlessly by enabling you to copy any existing content and create a ticket in Zendesk
With just a few clicks you can create a new ticket in Zendesk from any email. Have control over the ticket by setting its status, type and priority to get the right attention needed from your support agents.
Jedox Analytics
The app stores all data on the multidimensional Jedox Server, breaks them down to its relevant content, and analyzes its geographic information in just a fraction of a second. The optional Jedox OLAP Accelerator further boosts your data insight using the computing power of graphic cards.
How do people perceive the brand?
With Jedox Analytics, you will recognize governing market trends in real-time.
Jedox Analytics
Cross-platform open source suite of izy-apps for the administration of MySQL database servers, and for building and manipulating the data within MySQL databases.