Workflow Automation
Workflow Automation
AI Assisted Content Management System
AI Assisted Content Management System
Analytics & Lead Generation
Analytics & Lead Generation
Automation Projects
Automation Projects
Browser Extension Apps
Browser Extension Apps
Dashboard Theme Analysis: LN1
Dashboard Theme Analysis: LN1
Data Exchange Automation Tools
Data Exchange Automation Tools
Getting Started With Building Hybrid Apps
Getting Started With Building Hybrid Apps
Izyware Hybrid UX Design Guidelines
Izyware Hybrid UX Design Guidelines
Onboarding New Organizations Using Izyware
Onboarding New Organizations Using Izyware
Quick Visualization and Monitoring
Quick Visualization and Monitoring
Unified Metrics Stream Pipeline
Unified Metrics Stream Pipeline
Legacy Features and Backward Compatibility
Legacy Features and Backward Compatibility
How does the legacy frame architecture work
How does the legacy frame architecture work
Izyware Legacy UI Circus Engine
Izyware Legacy UI Circus Engine
Case Studies and Knowledge Center
Case Studies and Knowledge Center
Angular and React Embedding Guide
Angular and React Embedding Guide
Build and deploy a content distribution app in less than five minutes: Part II
Build and deploy a content distribution app in less than five minutes: Part II
Comparison of CSS Preprocessors SASS vs LESS vs STYLUS
Comparison of CSS Preprocessors SASS vs LESS vs STYLUS
Comparison of node.js test frameworks and utilities: lab, chai, sinon
Comparison of node.js test frameworks and utilities: lab, chai, sinon
Manage and automate your day to day business tools using IzyCloud Tasks: Part I
Manage and automate your day to day business tools using IzyCloud Tasks: Part I
MySql Performance Optimization
MySql Performance Optimization
Onboarding Tutorial: Creating & publishing an app
Onboarding Tutorial: Creating & publishing an app
Rebranding and Customizing Websites
Rebranding and Customizing Websites
Using IzyCloud on Android: IzyCloud Query App
Using IzyCloud on Android: IzyCloud Query App
Technical Resources
Technical Resources
.NET SDKCore IzyWare
.NET SDKCore IzyWare
av-stream README
av-stream README
ElasticSearch IzyWare Data Console Feature
ElasticSearch IzyWare Data Console Feature
End To End Testing
End To End Testing
End To End Testing, Part II
End To End Testing, Part II
frames and nav (ui/w/shell/navmulti) README
frames and nav (ui/w/shell/navmulti) README
izy-circus README
izy-circus README
izy-idman-tools README
izy-idman-tools README
izy-pop3 README
izy-pop3 README
izy-proxy README
izy-proxy README
izy-sync README
izy-sync README
izymodtask readme
izymodtask readme
IzyShell readme
IzyShell readme
ReKey Feature Package README for IzyWare SQL Console
ReKey Feature Package README for IzyWare SQL Console
Single Sign-On (SSO) README
Single Sign-On (SSO) README
Tasks Migration : V5 guidelines
Tasks Migration : V5 guidelines
Users & Groups README
Users & Groups README
V5 Migration : apps/pulse guidelines README
V5 Migration : apps/pulse guidelines README
Container Orchestration
Container Orchestration
Izy Kubernetes Internal Networking Troubleshooting
Izy Kubernetes Internal Networking Troubleshooting
Application Hosting
Application Hosting
Content Publisher
Content Publisher
Domain Registration
Domain Registration
Email Hosting
Email Hosting
Izyware Browser Extension
Izyware Browser Extension
Izyware Deployment Engine
Izyware Deployment Engine
Izyware Session Management
Izyware Session Management
Messaging System APIs and functionality
Messaging System APIs and functionality
Single SignOn
Single SignOn
Integration APIs
Integration APIs
Azure and .NET
Azure and .NET
<< Build and deploy a content distribution app in less than five minutes: Part II
<< Build and deploy a content distribution app in less than five minutes: Part II
Comparison of node.js test frameworks and utilities: lab, chai, sinon >>
Comparison of node.js test frameworks and utilities: lab, chai, sinon >>
Comparison of CSS Preprocessors SASS vs LESS vs STYLUS
CSS Pre-processors add power and elegance to the basic language. By extending CSS with variables, operators, interpolations, etc. they keep large stylesheets well-organized and improve maintainability. Not only they will allow the application of sound engineering principles such as redundancy reduction and reuse but they will act as an abstraction layer between the project and the browser vendors. In this article we will compare the most popular open source CSS preprocessors.
Compile Time Verification
This will ensure high quality assets.
Sass and LESS both use the standard CSS syntax where as Stylus uses and extended syntax.
All three support variables that should reduce redundancy.
These are equivalent to methods and functions. Stylus has the syntax the most closely resembles Javascript.
One common reason to use mixins is to abstract out the differences in browser vendors and and create vendor prefixes.