Izyware Platform offers numerous tools and modular apps for organizations. To maximize the effectiveness of these tools, it is important that these steps be followed in setting up a new organization:
- Creating a new "company portal" for the team
- Customize the workspaces and the groups for each team member
Creating a new "company portal" for the team
In order to use the core platform features (Toolbar, Collaboration, Information Buckets, ML, AI, ...) the users need to be able to enter a Portal space that presents them with tasks (Workspaces) that they can collaborate on (Groups).
The first step in setting up a portal is creating the primary group
, primary admin
for the portal.
User Creation Lifecycle
There are two workflows to creating new users:
- The primary administrator user and primary group will be created by an Izyware sales staff. This usually happens after a subscription plan has been setup.
- The primary user can login into the dashboard and create a new user from the Settings > User & Groups app by adding to the primary group.
For any user, at a minimum, a workspace and a group is needed and for most cases these are the settings workspace and the initial group that is tied to the company portal. Refer to "Permissions and Collaboration Features README" document for more details.
Primary Group & User Setup
Follow these steps to create the first user & group for a new customer:
* Login to the legacy admin account, and choose Accounts > Add > First User for Customer

* Select the email and a template for the user

* Settings > User Groups > New Customer Portal

This will create the primary user and group such that:
- The primary user be added to the group as an admin.
- The creator user will be added as a shadow member. They will be able to perform maintainance tasks.
- The group will have a referenceUserId that will be used when the admin users utilize
Add Member
functionality (see below).
- Group members with access to device manager and vault apps may create buckets and associate the devices with those buckets.
If you need to create a brand new workflow with custom workspaces and apps, follow the additional steps below before adding new non primary users
- Implement the customization in the primary user account. Refer to Permissions and Collaboration Features README for more details.
- Update the
in the cgroup table
Adding Non Primary Users
Once the primary user and group for the company have been setup, the administrator can add standard users to the group from the User Groups > Group > Members:

It is important to note that the standard user will be setup by cloning the account setup (metadata, shell, apps, etc.) of the referenceUserId
defined in the group.
If the user already exists in the system, it will be added to group. If it does not exsts, a new account will be created.
User Switching
Refer to Single Sign-On (SSO) README for more information.
Maintainance using Shadow Members
To perform customer maintainance tasks, we recommend adding a shadow member to the company group. This memeber will not be visible to regular users (Admins, Standard, ...) and it will allow your staff to perform regular maintainance tasks on user accounts.
Adjusting User Settings
The legacy user management dashboard will allow you to adjust user settings and fine tune the package feature for granular UI customization. This is currently not available on the modern interfaces.
Migrating Existing Users Across Platform Versions and Shells
You can use the usermetadata table to specify the following for each user:
- component: shell to use, e.g., etc.
* V4 Shell

* V5 Shell

- platformversion: numeric version specifying the bootstrap version
- generateHtmlContentSection: whether to generate html content once the user is logged in.
Case Studies
SDLC Automation
Follow these steps
- Settings > User Groups > New Customer Portal. Available reference user ids:
* 173: SDLC Automation Enterprise
* 156: SDLC Automation
- (automatic) Create a note to document workflows
- (automatic) Vault entry for user will create an information bucket for themselves to store their cloud, aws, git, etc. credentials.
- The user will be able to
* Invite team members to use the company portal by using the groups and users.
* Switch between sessions: See SSO Readme
* CLI From Vault: Ability to quickly spinup CLI environment using Vault entries
PropAI Workflow
- Settings > User Groups > New Customer Portal. Available reference user ids: 192
Known Issues / Todo
- domain awareness is missing. one proposed idea is to use the same groups construct that blogs, etc. will use to capture domain awareness.
Packages & Apps
- V5: package: apps/groups/5/dashboard, app: Users & Groups
- 72000001: improve add portal and group member UI and provide guide text
- 70000001: allow updating user name by the group administrator
- 69000006: remove useasreferencerole column from cgroupmember table
- 69000005: add member remove and member delete options for the group administrators
- 69000004: add group member only suggest non shadow members. replace useasreferencerole with group.referenceUserId
- 69000003: migrate Add New Customer Portal. move the "reference user" to the group definition.
* moving forward sales team can use the new dashboard V5 for onboarding new portals.
* moving the reference user definition to the group will make cloning and adding new users safer and easier
* no need to search for the template
* users can be create from an empty group. i.e. the group does not neeccessary need to have the user in it.
- 69000002: add user - use group memeber where useasreferencerole is not found. fix acl issues. add delete all for user sql generator.
- 69000001: (pkg:accountmanager) implement add first user functionality
* add referenceTemplateID field
* add ability to specify group name and create group
* clone userworkspace and usermetadata areas
- 56000002: add contextMenusysadmin to groups/5/dashboard. implement membersource_reprovision
* useful for patchng group memeber records after a schema update.
- 55000004: fix provisioning bug for creating new account. auto generate the contact name.
- 55000003: Implement delete functionality.
* Administrators can not be deleted. This will require escalation to support.
- 55000002: add ghost group membership for users
- 55000001: add ability to update users emails
* key feature for growth hack. Without this, nobody will be able to update user emails when there are organizational changes, etc.
- 54000019: add ability to create users when adding members to groups
* key feature for growth hack
* implemented in
* if the email exists, we will just lookup the userId and include it
* if the email does not exists, we will create the userId
* in both cases the user will become a member of that group
* group admin cannot change the email for a user. If it was entered by mistake, remove from group and enter new one
- 530001: clone "viewer/view" from "viewer/top" for compatibility with modern shells
- Prior changes are captured in accountmanager README.