For command line access use:
npm run status queryObject.esConfigId xxxx-xxxx queryObject.options _nodes/stats/breaker
npm run searchGeneric queryObject.esConfigId xxxx-xxxx queryObject.JSONStrId ./test.json queryObject.index indexnpm run searchById queryObject.esConfigId xxxx-xxxx queryObject.index indexname queryObject.type indextype queryObject.ids 1-2-3
npm run deleteById queryObject.esConfigId xxxx-xxxx queryObject.index indexname queryObject.type indextype queryObject.ignoreNotFound true queryObject.ids 1-2-3cluster < node(s) < shard(s)
When the cluster size and configuration changes, load balancer will kick in that should automatically migrate shards to nodes. The exact behavior will be defined by cluster and shard allocation settings.
npm run cluster.status queryObject.esConfigId xxxx-xxxx
If you find UNASSIGNED shards (reason may be NODELEFT, ALLOCATIONFAILED, etc.) you have will need to manually reassign a shard to a node using allocateshard:
npm run cluster.allocateshard queryObject.esConfigId xxxx-xxxx queryObject.index index queryObject.node node queryObject.shard shard